Terraform Introduction
Terraform is an open source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp. It allows users to define and provision infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. Terraform manages infrastructure across multiple cloud providers and on-premises environments. It uses a simple syntax called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) to define the infrastructure components and their dependencies.
Challenges with traditional infra
In traditional infrastructure management, system administrators would manually configure servers, networks, and storage devices. This manual process was time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to reproduce consistently across different environments. These come with the following challenges:
- Slow Deployment: Manual infrastructure provisioning is slow and error-prone, leading to delays in deploying new applications or services.
- Expensive: Manual infrastructure management requires significant human effort, leading to higher operational costs.
- Limited Automation: Traditional infrastructure management lacks automation, making it difficult to scale and manage large, complex environments.
- Human Errors: Manual configuration can lead to human errors, security vulnerabilities, and inconsistencies across environments.
- Lack of Consistency: Manual configuration can result in inconsistencies between development, testing, and production environments.
- Wasted Resources: Manual infrastructure management can lead to underutilization of resources and inefficient capacity planning.
To solve these challenges, organizations are adopting Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the practice of managing infrastructure using code and automation. With IaC, infrastructure configurations are defined in code files that can be version-controlled. In the Iac tooling space we have 3 types of tools:
- Configuration Management Tools: Tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet are used to automate the configuration of servers and applications.
- Server Templating Tools: Tools like Packer and Docker are used to create machine images that can be deployed across different environments.
- Provisioning Tools: Tools like Terraform, CloudFormation, and ARM templates are used to provision and manage cloud resources.
Why Terraform?
Terraform is a popular Infrastructure as Code tool that allows you to define and provision infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. With Terraform we can deploy infrastructure across multiple cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and on-premises environments. And it supports a variety of providers like Cloudflare, Grafana, Auth0, and more.
Terraform uses a simple syntax called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) to define the infrastructure components and their dependencies. It's easy to learn and understand, and it allows you to create reusable modules and share them with others.
For example to create an AWS EC2 instance using Terraform, you can define the following configuration:
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
It start by creating a configuration file and then work in three phases, init to initialize the working directory, plan to create an execution plan, and apply to apply the changes (more info below)
Each object the Terraform manages is called a resource. Resources are defined in Terraform configuration files, and Terraform uses providers to interact with APIs of cloud providers and services. If any of resources go out of sync with the desired state, Terraform can update the resources to match the desired state.
Terraform benefits
- Declarative Configuration: Terraform uses a declarative configuration language that allows you to define the desired state of your infrastructure. This means we define what we want, not how to get it.
- Cloud Agnostic: Terraform supports multiple cloud providers and services, allowing you to manage infrastructure across different environments.
- Scalability: Terraform can manage infrastructure at scale, making it suitable for small projects and large enterprises.
- Integration: Terraform can be integrated with other tools and services like CI/CD pipelines, monitoring systems, and configuration management tools.
- Cost-Efficient: Terraform helps optimize infrastructure costs by providing visibility into resource usage and enabling efficient capacity planning.
- Security: Terraform configurations can be audited, reviewed, and tested for security vulnerabilities, ensuring compliance with security best practices.
- State Management: Terraform stores the state of your infrastructure in a state file, allowing you to manage, version, and share the state across teams.
HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)
HCL is a simple, human-readable language that is used to define infrastructure configurations in Terraform. It is designed to be easy to read and write, making it accessible to both developers and operators.
<block_type> "<block_label>" {
key1 = value1
key2 = value2
It consists of blocks, arguments, and expressions. Blocks contains information about the infrastructure platform and resources within that platform we want to create. Arguments are key-value pairs that define the configuration settings for a block. Expressions are used to reference variables, functions, and other resources within the configuration.
For example if want to create a file locally with some content, we can define the following configuration:
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "/root/pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
Breakdown of the above configuration:
Another example of ec2 instance creation:
# ec2.tf
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
Another example of creating a s3 bucket:
# s3.tf
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
bucket = "my-unique-bucket"
acl = "private"
Terraform Workflow
To deploy a resource using Terraform, there is four step process:
- Configuration: Define the infrastructure components and their dependencies in Terraform configuration files.
- Initialization: Initialize the working directory with
terraform init
command to download the necessary providers and modules. - Planning: Create an execution plan with
terraform plan
command to preview the changes that Terraform will make. - Apply: Apply the changes with
terraform apply
command to create, update, or delete the resources as per the configuration.
So, let's see an example of creating a file locally with some content. First we need to create a configuration file:
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
Then next step is to initialize the working directory:
terraform init
This will initialize the working directory and download the necessary providers and modules. Next, we can create an execution plan:
terraform plan
This will show the changes that Terraform will make to create the file locally. Finally, we can apply the changes:
terraform apply
And then type yes
to confirm the changes.
This will create the file locally with the specified content. You can verify the changes by checking the file ./pets.txt
We can use terraform show
command to see the current state of the infrastructure managed by Terraform.
Let's now update the file permissions of the file we created:
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
file_permission = "0700"
To check what changes Terraform will make, we can run terraform plan
. And to apply the changes, we can run terraform apply
To destroy the resources created by Terraform, we can run terraform destroy
command. And type yes
to confirm the deletion of resources.
Terraform Providers
Terraform uses plugin based architecture to interact with cloud providers and services. Providers are responsible for understanding API interactions and exposing resources for managing infrastructure. Terraform supports a wide range of providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker, and more. When we do terraform init
, it downloads the necessary providers and modules. A list of available providers can be found on the Terraform Registry.
There are three types of providers:
- Official Providers: These are maintained by HashiCorp and are considered stable and well-tested. For example,
. - Partner Providers: These are maintained by third-party companies and are officially supported by HashiCorp. For example,
. - Community Providers: These are maintained by the community and may not be as stable or well-tested as official providers.
Every time we do terraform init
, it downloads the necessary providers and modules. Also, it shows the the version of the plugins that are being downloaded.
Every provider has its own set of resources and data sources that can be used to manage infrastructure. For example, the aws
provider has resources like aws_instance
, aws_s3_bucket
, aws_vpc
, and data sources like aws_ami
, aws_availability_zones
, aws_regions
. And each resource has its own set of arguments and attributes that can be configured.
For example we use local_file
it has arguments like filename
, content
, file_permission
Configuration Files
Terraform configuration files have .tf
extension and are written in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). There are some naming conventions we use for configuration files:
: Contain resource definition. Instead of creating multiple configuration files likecat.tf
, we can define all the resources in a single filemain.tf
: Contains variable declarations and definitions.outputs.tf
: Contains outputs from the resources.provider.tf
: Contains provider definitions and configurations.
Using Multiple providers
Terraform allows you to use multiple providers in a single configuration file. This is useful when you want to manage resources across different cloud providers or services. You can define multiple provider blocks in the configuration file and specify the provider alias for each block.
An example of using local
and random
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
resource "random_pet" "my-pet" {
prefix = "Mrs"
separator = "."
length = "1"
Input Variables
Input variables allow us to reuse the same configuration with different values. We can define variables in a separate file variables.tf
and use them in the configuration files. Variables can have default values, descriptions, and types.
Creating and Using Variables
To create a variable, we define a variable block in the variables.tf
variable "<variable_name>" {
type = <variable_type>
default = <default_value>
description = "<description>"
An example of creating a variable for filename and content:
# variables.tf
variable "filename" {
default = "./pets.txt"
variable "content" {
default = "We love pets!"
# main.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = var.filename
content = var.content
Now every we need to change the value of filename
or content
, we can simply update the variables.tf
file and then apply the changes. We don't need to interfere with the main configuration file.
An example of ec2 instance creation using variables:
# variables.tf
variable "ami" {
default = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
variable "instance_type" {
default = "t2.micro"
# main.tf
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = var.ami
instance_type = var.instance_type
Input Variable Types
Terraform supports the following variable types:
- String: A sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes. For example,
"Hello, World!"
, "/path/to/file". - Number: A numeric value without quotes. For example,
. - Bool: A boolean value
. - any: Any data type. This is the default type if no type is specified.
- list: A list of values. For example,
["a", "b", "c"]
. - map: A collection of key-value pairs. For example,
{ key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2" }
. - set: A collection of unique values. For example,
["a", "b", "c"]
. - object: A complex data type that represents a collection of attributes. For example,
{ name = "John", age = 30 }
. - truple: A tuple is an ordered collection of elements. For example,
["a", 42, true]
Using various types of variables:
# variables.tf
variable "prefix" {
default = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Miss", "Dr"]
type = list(string) # list of strings
# main.tf
resource "random_pet" "my-pet" {
prefix = var.prefix[0] # Mr
We can change list type to number
, bool
, or any
. It will fail if we try to use a different type of value.
# variables.tf
variable "pets" {
type = map(string) # map of strings
default = {
"statment1" = "We love pets!"
"statment2" = "We love animals!"
# main.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = var.pets["statment1"] # We love pets!
We can change map type to number
. It will fail if we try to use a different type of value.
# variables.tf
variable "prefix" {
default = ["Mr", "Mrs", "Miss", "Dr"]
type = set(string) # set of strings
# main.tf
resource "random_pet" "my-pet" {
prefix = var.prefix[0] # Mr
We can change set type to number
. It will fail if we try to use a different type of value. The only caveat here is that it cannot have duplicate values.
# variables.tf
variable "person" {
type = object({
name = string
age = number
color = string
food = list(string)
favorite_pet = bool
default = {
name = "John"
age = 30
color = "blue"
food = ["pizza", "burger"]
favorite_pet = true
# main.tf
resource "local_file" "person" {
filename = "./person.txt"
content = var.person.name
resource "local_file" "person" {
filename = "./person.txt"
content = var.person.age
resource "local_file" "person" {
filename = "./person.txt"
content = var.person.color
resource "local_file" "bio" {
filename = "./bio.txt"
content = "Name: ${var.person.name}\nAge: ${var.person.age}\nColor: ${var.person.color}\nFood: ${join(", ", var.person.food)}\nFavorite Pet: ${var.person.favorite_pet}"
Objects help us to define complex data types. We can define different types of values in a single object.
# variables.tf
variable "person" {
type = tuple([string, number, bool])
default = ["John", 30, true]
# main.tf
resource "local_file" "person" {
filename = "./person.txt"
content = var.person[0]
In Tuples, we can define different types of values unlike list, map, and set. We will get an error if we try to use a different type of value.
Interactive Mode
Terraform allows you to interactively input values for variables when running terraform apply
command. We gives values from the CLI when we run terraform apply
command. The way it works is we don't define value in the variables.tf
file, instead we define the variable (name) and its type and then run terraform apply
command. Terraform will prompt us to enter the value for the variable.
# variables.tf
variable "say_hello" {
description = "The message to write to the file"
type = string
# main.tf
resource "local_file" hello{
filename = "./hello.txt"
content = var.say_hello
file_permission = "0700"
Now, when we run terraform apply
after the initialization, it will prompt us to enter the value for the variable name
. Just like this:
In fact it will prompt us to enter the value for each variable defined in the configuration file first and then apply the changes.
Command Line Flags
We can also use the -var
flag to pass the values from the CLI:
terraform apply -var 'say_hello=Hello'
Another example:
terraform apply -var 'filename=./pets.txt' -var 'content=We love pets!'
Environment Variables
We can also use environment variables to pass values to the variables. The convention is to use TF_VAR_<variable_name>
to set the value of the variable. Terraform automatically reads the environment variables with the TF_VAR_
Using the previous example:
export TF_VAR_say_hello="Hello"
terraform apply
Another example:
export TF_VAR_filename="./pets.txt"
export TF_VAR_content="We love pets!"
terraform apply
Variable Definition Files
Another way to pass values to the variables is to use a variable definition file. We can create a file terraform.tfvars
and define the values for the variables in the file. We can also use a different name for the file but the file should have .tfvars
# terraform.tfvars
say_hello = "Hello"
Then we can run terraform apply
command and Terraform will automatically read the values from the terraform.tfvars
So the complete example will look like this:
# variables.tf
variable "say_hello" {
description = "The message to write to the file"
type = string
# main.tf
resource "local_file" hello{
filename = "./hello.txt"
content = var.say_hello
file_permission = "0700"
# terraform.tfvars
say_hello = "Hello"
And then run terraform apply
The file with naming convention terraform.tfvars
or terraform.tfvars.json
or *.auto.tfvars
or *.auto.tfvars.json
will be automatically loaded by Terraform. If we pass file with a different naming convention we can use -var-file
flag to pass the file:
terraform apply -var-file="custom.tfvars"
Variable Definition Precedence
Terraform follows a specific order of precedence when resolving variable values:
Command Line Flags > Variable Definition Files (*.auto.tfvars) > Variable Definition Files (terraform.tfvars) > Environment Variables > Default Values
An example:
resource local_file animal {
filename = var.filename
This will be the order of precedence:
So, the value passed via command line flag will take precedence over the value defined in the variable definition file, which will take precedence over the value defined in the environment variable, and so on.
Resource (Reference) Attributes
Resource attributes are the properties of a resource that can be used to reference or manipulate the resource. Each resource has a set of attributes that can be used to access information about the resource. For example, the random_pet
resource has attributes like id
, which gives the random pet name generated by Terraform and we can pass it to other resources. We use interpolation syntax ${}
like ${random_pet.my-pet.id}
to reference the attribute.
The interpolation syntax for this will be ${resource_type.resource_name.attribute}
For example, to reference the id
attribute of the random_pet
Resource Dependencies
Terraform automatically manages resource dependencies based on the order of resource definitions in the configuration file. If one resource depends on another resource, Terraform will create the resources in the correct order. There are two types of dependencies:
- Implicit Dependencies: These are dependencies that are automatically created by Terraform based on the order of resource definitions in the configuration file. For example, if resource A depends on resource B, Terraform will create resource B first and then create resource A.
Like we saw an an example above, the random_pet
resource depends on the local_file
resource. So, Terraform will create the local_file
resource first and then create the random_pet
resource. And when we destroy the resources, Terraform will destroy the random_pet
resource first and then destroy the local_file
- Explicit Dependencies: But there are times where we don't don't use the attributes of other resources and we still want to create the resources in a specific order. Because they might be indirectly dependent on each other. In such cases, we can use the
argument to define explicit dependencies between resources. A real life example of this is when we want to create a VPC and then create an EC2 instance in that VPC. We can use thedepends_on
argument to define the dependency between the resources.
For our local file and random pet example, we can define the explicit dependency like this:
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
depends_on = [random_pet.my-pet]
resource "random_pet" "my-pet" {
prefix = "Mrs"
separator = "."
length = "1"
Output Values
Output values are the values that are returned by the resources after they are created. We can use output values to display information about the resources or pass them to other resources. We can define output values in a separate file outputs.tf
and use them to display information about the resources.
For example, to output the id
attribute of the random_pet
# outputs.tf
output "pet_name" {
value = random_pet.my-pet.id
description = "The random pet name generated by Terraform"
# main.tf
resource "random_pet" "my-pet" {
prefix = "Mrs"
separator = "."
length = "1"
We can use the terraform output
command to display the output values. We can also specify the name of the output value to display only that value like terraform output pet_name
Terraform State
Terraform uses a state file to store information about the resources it manages. The state file keeps track of the current state of the infrastructure and is used to plan and apply changes to the resources. The state file is stored locally by default, but it can also be stored remotely in a backend like Terraform Cloud, AWS S3, or HashiCorp Consul. More like a blueprint of the infrastructure or single source of truth.
When we run terraform apply
command, it will create a state file terraform.tfstate
in the working directory. The state file contains information about the resources managed by Terraform, their attributes, dependencies, and other metadata. The state file is used to track changes to the infrastructure and ensure that the desired state is maintained.
The state file contains the following information:
- Resource IDs: The unique identifiers of the resources managed by Terraform.
- Resource Attributes: The properties of the resources like IP addresses, DNS names, and other metadata.
- Resource Dependencies: The relationships between the resources and their dependencies.
- Provider Configuration: The configuration settings for the providers used by Terraform.
- Output Values: The values returned by the resources after they are created.
- Lock Information: The lock information to prevent concurrent modifications to the state file.
- Version Information: The version of Terraform used to create the state file.
Every time we run terraform apply
command, Terraform checks the state file to determine the current state of the infrastructure and apply the changes accordingly. If the state file is deleted or corrupted, Terraform will not be able to manage the resources and we will have to recreate the resources.
Benefits of Terraform State
- State Management: Terraform stores the state of the infrastructure in a state file, allowing you to manage, version, and share the state across teams.
- Collaboration: Terraform state allows multiple team members to work on the same infrastructure and track changes made by each team member.
- Rollback: Terraform state allows you to rollback changes to the infrastructure by reverting to a previous state.
- Performance: Terraform state improves performance by caching the state of the infrastructure and only applying changes when necessary.
We can make use of this command terraform plan -refresh=false
. With this, Terraform generates an execution plan but skips refreshing the state of resources in the real-world infrastructure.
One thing to note is state file contains sensitive information like passwords, access keys, and other secrets. So, it is important to secure the state file and avoid storing it in version control systems like Git. We can use remote backends like Terraform Cloud, AWS S3, or HashiCorp Consul to store the state file securely.
So, we store the resources files like the main.tf
, variables.tf
, outputs.tf
in version control systems like Git and store the state file in a secure remote backend.
Another important things that we don't make direct changes to state file. We use state management commands to manage those changes.
Terraform Commands
You can find the list of Terraform commands and their usage here.
Mutable and Immutable Infrastructure
In the context of infrastructure management, there are two approaches to managing infrastructure:
Mutable Infrastructure
Mutable infrastructure, servers and resources are updated or modified in place. Changes are made to the existing infrastructure to update software, apply patches, or make configuration changes. This approach is common in traditional infrastructure management where servers are manually configured and updated.
This approach can lead to configuration drift, security vulnerabilities, and inconsistencies between environments. It can also make it difficult to scale and manage large, complex environments.
Immutable Infrastructure
Immutable infrastructure, servers and resources are treated as disposable and are replaced with new instances when changes are required. Instead of updating existing servers, new servers are created with the desired configuration and the old servers are destroyed. This approach is common in cloud-native environments and is used to ensure consistency, reliability, and scalability.
Terraform follows the immutable infrastructure approach where infrastructure is defined as code and changes are applied by creating new resources and destroying old resources.
For example if we modify the file permissions of the file we created, Terraform will create a new file with the updated permissions and destroy the old file.
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
+ file_permission = "0700"
- file_permission = "0600"
Lifecycle Rules
Without Lifecycle Rules, Terraform will destroy the old resource and create a new one. But with Lifecycle Rules, we can control the behavior of the resources. We can use create_before_destroy
to create the new resource before destroying the old one. This can be useful when we want to avoid downtime or data loss.
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
file_permission = "0700"
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
There are other lifecycle rules like prevent_destroy
to prevent a resource from being destroyed, this is useful to protect resources from accidental deletion. Note terraform destroy
will still destroy the resource, it will prevent the resource from being destroyed when you make changes to the configuration and apply the changes.
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
file_permission = "0700"
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
Another lifecycle rule is ignore_changes
to ignore changes to specific attributes of a resource. This can be useful when you want to update the configuration of a resource without affecting the resource itself.
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
file_permission = "0700"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [file_permission]
Or an AWS instance example:
# ec2.tf
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
tags = {
Name = "webserver"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [tags]
Data Sources
Data sources are used to fetch information from external sources like APIs, databases, and other resources. Data sources allow you to query external systems and use the information in your Terraform configuration. Data sources are read-only and do not create or manage resources.
The reason for data sources is that every resources will not be created and managed by Terraform. There are some resources that are created and managed by other methods like scripts, APIs, or other tools. In such cases, we can use data sources to fetch information about those resources and use them in our Terraform configuration.
For example,
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = data.local_file.dog.content
data "local_file" "dog" {
filename = "./dogs.txt"
The data read from data source is available under data object. We can use the data object to access the attributes of the data source. We can also use interpolation syntax to reference the data source attributes. {data.data_type.data_name.attribute}
Resource vs Data Source
In simple words resources are used to create and manage infrastructure resources like EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and databases. Data sources are used to fetch information from external sources like APIs, databases, and other resources.
Meta-arguments are special arguments that can be used with resources and data sources to control their behavior. Meta-arguments are used to define dependencies, manage lifecycle, and configure the behavior of resources and data sources.
We have already seen some meta-arguments like depends_on
and lifecycle
in the previous sections. Here are some other meta-arguments:
The count
meta-argument allows you to create multiple instances of a resource or data source. It takes an integer value and creates that many instances of the resource or data source. This can be useful when you want to create multiple instances of the same resource with different configurations.
For example, to create multiple local files:
resource "local_file" "pet" {
count = length(var.filenames)
content = "We love pets!"
filename = var.filenames[count.index]
variable "filenames" {
default = [
This will create three local files with filenames pets.txt
, dogs.txt
, and cats.txt
. We can use count.index
to reference the index of the resource. The index starts from 0.
For Each
The for_each
meta-argument allows you to create multiple instances of a resource or data source based on a map or set of strings. It takes a map or set of strings and creates an instance of the resource or data source for each key or value in the map or set.
There was a pain point with count
meta-argument that we have to use the index to reference the values. For example if we remove an element from the top of list, all the indexes will change and files will be recreated. But with for_each
meta-argument, we can use the key to reference the values.
For example, to create multiple local files:
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
for_each = var.files
content = "We love pets!"
filename = each.value
# variables.tf
variable "files" {
default = {
pets = "/root/pets.txt"
dogs = "/root/dogs.txt"
cats = "/root/cats.txt"
Here for_each
will take the keys of the map and create local files with filenames pets.txt
, dogs.txt
, and cats.txt
. We can use each.value
to reference the values of the map. This don't allow list
type. We can use map
or set
type. If we are using list
type, we can convert it to set
type using toset()
function. Or make the type to set
in the variable definition.
For example, to create multiple local files:
# local.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
for_each = toset(var.files)
content = "We love pets!"
filename = each.value
# variables.tf
variable "files" {
type = list(string)
default = [
Version Constraints
Terraform uses version constraints to specify the version of the provider to use. Version constraints allow you to define the range of versions that are compatible with your configuration. By default, Terraform uses the latest version of the provider, but you can specify a specific version or range of versions using version constraints.
Version constraints are defined using the following syntax:
terraform {
required_providers {
local = {
source = "hashicorp/local"
version = "1.4.0"
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
We can use version constraints to specify the version of the provider to use. We can use
to specify the minimum version.version = ">= 1.4.0"
to specify the maximum version.~>
to specify the compatible version. It will allow the minor version to change but not the major version.version = "~> 1.4.0"
to specify the version to exclude.=
to specify the exact version.>
to specify the greater than version.<
to specify the less than version.<=
to specify the less than or equal to version.>=
to specify the greater than or equal to version.
We can also mix and match the version constraints to specify the range of versions that are compatible with your configuration.
For example here we are specifying the version of local provider to be greater than or equal to 1.4.0 and less than 2.0.0 and excluding version 1.5.0.
terraform {
required_providers {
local = {
source = "hashicorp/local"
version = ">= 1.4.0, < 2.0.0, != 1.5.0"
Working With AWS
AWS is on of most popular cloud provider in the world. It has 100s of services from compute to AI. It's most global coverage and has the most data centers around the world. We need to create an AWS account to work with AWS services. We can use the free tier account to get started.
When we create an AWS account, it a root user account and it has all the privileges to create, update, and delete resources. But it is not recommended to use the root user account to manage resources, like an Linux Root user account. We should create an IAM user account and use that account to manage resources. When we create an user we have two kind of access, Programmatic Access
and Console Access
. We can use Programmatic Access
to access AWS services using APIs and SDKs. We can use Console Access
to access AWS services using the AWS Management Console.
The only ideal use case for root user account is to create an IAM user account and manage billing and other account level settings.
IAM Policies
IAM policies are used to define permissions for IAM users, groups, and roles. IAM policies are JSON documents that specify the actions, resources, and conditions that are allowed or denied. We can attach policies to IAM users, groups, and roles to grant or restrict access to AWS services and resources.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*"
Some other policies are:
For example, to create a policy that allows access to S3 buckets:
IAM Groups
IAM groups are used to group IAM users and apply policies to multiple users at once. For example, you can create a group called developers
and attach a policy that allows access to EC2 instances. Then you can add IAM users to the developers
group to grant them access to EC2 instances. It great when we have multiple users with the same permissions.
IAM Roles
Let's understand with an example what if an EC2 instance to interact with S3 bucket? Creating policy with not make the job done. We need to create an IAM role and attach the policy to the role. Then we can attach the role to the EC2 instance. This is called IAM roles. IAM roles are used to grant permissions to AWS services like EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and ECS tasks. IAM roles are used to define the permissions that are allowed or denied to the service.
IAM roles are not just limited to AWS services, we can also use IAM roles to grant permissions to external services like third-party applications and services. We can use IAM roles to grant temporary access to external services without sharing access keys or credentials.
AWS CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with AWS services using the command line. You can use the AWS CLI to manage resources, configure services, and automate tasks. You can use the AWS CLI to perform operations like creating EC2 instances, managing S3 buckets, and configuring IAM policies.
After installing we have to configure the AWS CLI with the access key and secret key. We can use aws configure
command to configure the AWS CLI. We can also use --profile
flag to create multiple profiles.
All the commands can be found here.
AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)
Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the web. S3 is highly scalable, durable, and secure. It great for storing files like images, videos, and documents. But not suitable for storing operating system files or databases.
Data is store in form of buckets. Everything under a bucket is an object. We can use the AWS CLI to create, update, and delete S3 buckets. We can also use the AWS Management Console to manage S3 buckets.
Once the bucket is created we can access it via unique URL. We can also use the bucket to host static websites. it's in format of http://<bucket-name>.<region>.amazonaws.com
. For eg. http://my-bucket.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com
We can access the files in the bucket using the URL http://<bucket-name>.<region>.amazonaws.com/<object-key>
. For eg. http://my-bucket.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/image.jpg
Any object stored in the bucket has the object data and the Metadata. The metadata contains information about the object like owner, size, last modified date, etc, in key-value pairs.
DynamoDB (NoSQL Database)
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. DynamoDB is highly scalable, single-digit millisecond latency, and fully managed.
Even tho it is NoSQL database, it has a table structure. Each table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each item in the table. We can use the AWS CLI to create, update, and delete DynamoDB tables. We can also use the AWS Management Console to manage DynamoDB tables.
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. EC2 instances are virtual servers that can run applications and workloads. EC2 instances can be launched in minutes and scaled up or down based on demand.
EC2 provides Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that contain the operating system, software, and configuration settings for the instance. The instance type determines the hardware specifications like CPU, memory, and storage. It can be different types like general purpose, compute optimized, memory optimized, storage optimized, and GPU instances.
The most common type is T2 General Purpose instances. It is suitable for web servers, small databases, and development environments. It has burstable performance and is cost-effective. It comes in a variety of sizes like:
The persistent storage for EC2 instances is provided by Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes. EBS volumes are network-attached storage volumes that can be attached to EC2 instances. EBS volumes are durable, scalable, and high-performance. There are a variety of EBS volume tpo choose from on the basis of the data we want to persist. Some of them are:
We can pass user data to the EC2 instance to run scripts or commands when the instance is launched. We can use user data to install software, configure settings, and run custom scripts.
After everything is set up, we can access the EC2 instance using the public IP address or public DNS name. We can use SSH to connect to the instance and run commands. We can also use the AWS Management Console to manage EC2 instances.
AWS and Terraform
Terraform uses the AWS provider to interact with AWS services. The AWS provider allows you to define resources like EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and IAM policies in your Terraform configuration.
Creating an IAM user with Terraform:
# main.tf
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
resource "aws_iam_user" "admin-user" {
name = "admin"
tags = {
Description = "Technical Team Leader"
# .aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = je7MtGbClwBF/2Zp9Utk/h3yCo8nvbEXAMPLEKEY
Terraform will automatically use the credentials from the ~/.aws/credentials
file to authenticate with AWS. We can also use environment variables to set the credentials. We can also use profile
argument to specify the profile to use.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east"
profile = "default"
Another way to use export
command to set the environment variables:
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
resource "aws_iam_user" "admin-user" {
name = "lucy"
tags = {
Description = "Technical Team Leader"
Now we don't need to specify the providers in the configuration file. Terraform will automatically use the environment variables to authenticate with AWS.
Attaching a policy to the IAM user:
# main.tf
resource "aws_iam_user" "admin-user
name = "lucy"
tags = {
Description = "Technical Team Leader"
resource "aws_iam_policy" "admin-user-policy" {
name = "AdminUsers"
policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*"
resource "aws_iam_user_policy_attachment" "lucy-admin-access" {
user = aws_iam_user.admin-user.name
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.admin-user-policy.arn
What we did is first we created an IAM user, then we created an IAM policy with full access to all the resources, and then we attached the policy to the IAM user. We use heredoc syntax to define the policy (<<EOF
). It's not mandatory to use EOF
, we can use any string. We can use terraform plan
to see the changes and terraform apply
to apply the changes.
In aws_iam_user
resource, we are using the name
argument to specify the name of the IAM user and the tags
argument to add tags to the user. We use the aws_iam_policy
resource to create an IAM policy. We are using the name
argument to specify the name of the policy and the policy
argument to specify the policy document. Then we used the aws_iam_user_policy_attachment
resource to attach the policy to the user. We are using the user
argument to reference the IAM user and the policy_arn
argument to reference the ARN of the policy.
Another way to create an IAM policy is to create a JSON file and use the file()
function to read the file.
# main.tf
resource "aws_iam_user" "admin-user" {
name = "lucy"
tags = {
Description = "Technical Team Leader"
resource "aws_iam_policy" "admin-user-policy" {
name = "AdminUsers"
policy = file("policy.json")
resource "aws_iam_user_policy_attachment" "lucy-admin-access" {
user = aws_iam_user.admin-user.name
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.adminUser.arn
# policy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*"
We can proceed with terraform plan
and terraform apply
to create the IAM user and attach the policy to the user.
Another example to create IAM user for a list of users:
# main.tf
variable "dev-team" {
type = list(string)
default = ["lucy", "john", "jane"]
resource "aws_iam_user" "admin-user" {
name = var.dev-team[count.index]
count = length(var.dev-team)
tags = {
Description = "Technical Team Leader"
Here we are using the count
meta-argument to create multiple instances of the resource. We are using the count.index
to reference the index of the resource. The index starts from 0. We can use the length
function to get the length of the list.
Here we are creating an S3 bucket, uploading a file to the bucket, and creating a bucket policy to allow access to the bucket.
# main.tf
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "finance" {
bucket = "finance-21092020 # optional, otherwise Terraform will create a unique name
tags = {
Name = "Finance and Payroll"
resource "aws_s3_object" "finance-2020" {
content = "/root/finance/finance-2020.doc"
key = "finance-2020.doc"
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.finance.id # reference to the
data "aws_iam_group" "finance-data" {
group_name = "finance-analysts"
resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "finance-policy" {
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.finance.id
policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::${aws_s3_bucket.finance.id}/*",
"Principal": {
"AWS": ["${data.aws_iam_group.finance-data.arn}"
Here, aws_s3_bucket
resource is used to create an S3 bucket, aws_s3_object
resource is used to upload a file to the bucket, and aws_s3_bucket_policy
resource is used to create a bucket policy to allow access to a group of users to the bucket, which is defined using the aws_iam_group
data source.
In the aws_s3_bucket
resource, we are using the bucket
argument to specify the name of the bucket and the tags
argument to add tags to the bucket. We can use the aws_s3_object
resource to upload a file to the bucket. We are using the content
argument to specify the file to upload, the key
argument to specify the name of the object, and the bucket
argument to reference the bucket.
In the aws_s3_bucket_policy
resource, we are using the bucket
argument to reference the bucket, the policy
argument to specify the bucket policy,
The data
block to fetch information about an IAM group. We are using the aws_iam_group
data source to fetch information about an IAM group named finance-analysts
. We are using the group_name
argument to specify the name of the group. We can use the arn
attribute to reference the ARN of the group.
The bucket naming should not contain uppercase letters, underscores, or special characters. ss_aa
is not allowed due to DNS compatibility.
Here we are creating a DynamoDB table with a primary key and a sort key.
# main.tf
resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "cars" {
name = "cars"
hash_key = "VIN"
billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
attribute {
name = "VIN"
type = "S"
Here hash_key
is the primary key and attribute
is the sort key. We can use billing_mode
to specify the billing mode for the table. We can use PAY_PER_REQUEST
for on-demand capacity mode and PROVISIONED
for provisioned capacity mode. In the attribute block, we can specify the name and type of the attribute. Here we are using S
for string type. We can also use N
for number type and B
for binary type.
To insert data into the table, we can use the aws_dynamodb_table_item
# main.tf
resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "cars" {
name = "cars"
hash_key = "VIN"
billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
attribute {
name = "VIN"
type = "S"
resource "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "car-items" {
table_name = aws_dynamodb_table.cars.name
hash_key = aws_dynamodb_table.cars.hash_key
item = <<EOF
"Manufacturer": {"S": "Toyota"},
"Model": {"S": "Corolla"},
"Year": {"N": "2020"},
"VIN": {"S": "JH4KA3240JC000000"}
Here we are using the aws_dynamodb_table_item
resource to insert data into the table. We are using the table_name
to specify the name of the table, hash_key
to specify the primary key, and item
to specify the data to insert. We are using the S
type for string, N
type for number, and B
type for binary.
EC2 Instance
To create an EC2 instance, we can use the aws_instance
resource. We can specify the AMI, instance type, key pair, and security group for the instance.
# main.tf
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0edab43bfb4c0e9b2"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
tags = {
Name = "webserver"
Description = "An Nginx web server on Ubuntu"
user_data = <<-EOF
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y nginx
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx
key_name = aws_key_pair.web.id
vpn_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.ssh-access.id]
resource "aws_key_pair" "web" {
public_key = file("/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
resource "aws_security_group" "ssh-access" {
name = "ssh-access"
ingress {
from_port = 22
to_port = 22
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
output "public_ip" {
value = aws_instance.webserver.public_ip
# provider.tf
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-1"
In user_data
value instead of heredoc syntax, we can also use the file()
function to read the user data from a file.
user_data = file("user-data.sh")
So, the way above config is working is that we are creating an EC2 instance with an Nginx web server on Ubuntu. We are using the aws_instance
resource to create the instance, aws_key_pair
resource to create the key pair, this will help us to SSH into the instance, aws_security_group
resource to create the security group to allow SSH access to the instance, and output
block to display the public IP address of the instance.
In aws_instance
resource, we are using the ami
that's the Amazon Machine Image, instance_type
that's the type of the instance, tags
to add tags to the instance, user_data
to run the script when the instance is launched, key_name
to specify the key pair to use to SSH into the instance, and vpn_security_group_ids
to specify the security group to use for the instance (expected to be a list of security group IDs).
In aws_key_pair
resource, we are using the public_key
to specify the public key to use for the key pair.
In aws_security_group
resource, we are using the name
to specify the name of the security group, ingress
block to specify the inbound rules for the security group, from_port
and to_port
to specify the port range, protocol
to specify the protocol, and cidr_blocks
to specify the IP range to allow access. This is very similar to the security group in the AWS Management Console.
In output
block, we are using the value
to specify the value to display when the terraform apply
command is run. We can use the terraform output
command to display the value.
Terraform Provisioners
Terraform provisioners are used to run scripts or commands on the local machine or on the remote machine. Provisioners are used to install software, configure settings, and run custom scripts. Provisioners are used to perform tasks that are not supported by Terraform resources.
There are two types of provisioners:
Local-exec provisioner: It runs scripts or commands on the local machine where Terraform is running. It is used to install software, configure settings, and run custom scripts on the local machine.
Remote-exec provisioner: It runs scripts or commands on the remote machine where the resource is created. It is used to install software, configure settings, and run custom scripts on the remote machine.
Local-exec Provisioner
resource "aws_instance "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0edab43bfb4c0e9b2"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo ${aws_instance.webserver.public_ip} Created > instance.txt"
In the aws_instance
resource, we are using the provisioner
block to specify the provisioner type, local-exec
to specify the type of provisioner, and command
to specify the command to run on the local machine. We can use the ${}
syntax to reference the attributes of the resource. We can use the file()
function to read the public IP address from a file.
Destroy Time Provisioner
We can also run the provisioner when the resource is destroyed. We can use the when
argument to specify the time to run the provisioner. We can use create
to run the provisioner when the resource is created and destroy
to run the provisioner when the resource is destroyed.
resource "aws_instance "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0edab43bfb4c0e9b2"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo ${aws_instance.webserver.public_ip} Created > instance.txt"
provisioner "local-exec" {
when = destroy
command = "echo ${aws_instance.webserver.public_dns} Destroyed > instance.txt"
Above we are using the when
argument to specify the time to run the provisioner. We are using create
to run the provisioner when the resource is created and destroy
to run the provisioner when the resource is destroyed.
Provisioner Failure Behavior
The default behavior of Terraform is to stop (the applying state) the execution when the provisioner fails. The failure can occur due to an error in the script or command, file path, permissions, or network issues, etc. To change the default behavior of terraform when the provisioner fails, we can use on_failure
argument. We can use continue
to continue the execution, fail
to stop the execution, and ignore
to ignore the failure.
resource "aws_instance "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0edab43bfb4c0e9b2"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo ${aws_instance.webserver.public_ip} Created > instance.txt"
on_failure = continue
provisioner "local-exec" {
when = destroy
command = "echo ${aws_instance.webserver.public_dns} Destroyed > instance.txt"
on_failure = fail
So here we are using the on_failure
argument to specify the behavior of Terraform when the provisioner fails. We are using continue
to continue the execution when the provisioner fails and fail
to stop the execution when the provisioner fails.
Remote-exec Provisioner
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = "ami-0edab43bfb4c0e9b2"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"echo 'Hello, World!'",
"sudo apt update",
"sudo apt install -y nginx",
"systemctl enable nginx",
"systemctl start nginx"
connection {
type = "ssh"
user = "ubuntu
private_key = file("/root/.ssh/id_rsa")
host = self.public_ip
key_name = aws_key_pair.web.id
vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.ssh-access.id]
resource "aws_security_group" "ssh-access" {
name = "ssh-access"
ingress {
from_port = 22
to_port = 22
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
resource "aws_key_pair" "web" {
public_key = file("/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")
In the aws_instance
resource, we are using the provisioner
block to specify the provisioner type, inline
to specify the commands to run on the remote machine, and connection
block to specify the connection details like the type of connection, user, private key, and host. We are using the self
object to reference the current resource. We can use the file()
function to read the private key from a file.
Provisioner Best Practices
Provisioner are great but they are not recommended to use. As we can run any command on the instance, it hard to have a structure and framework to manage the scripts. It's better to use arguments like user_data
and cloud_init
to run scripts on the instance. Provisioners are used when there is no other way to run the scripts.
Use custom AMIs to pre-install software and configure settings. Use user data to run scripts when the instance is launched. Like use an Ubuntu AMI with Nginx pre-installed.
Remote State (Remote Backend)
Terraform stores the state file locally by default, but it can also store the state file remotely in a backend like Terraform Cloud, AWS S3, or HashiCorp Consul. Storing the state file remotely allows you to share the state file across teams, manage state locking, and store the state securely.
It becomes a necessity to store it remotely when working in a team. To avoid conflicts and to have a single source of truth.
State Locking
State locking is used to prevent concurrent modifications to the state file. When multiple users are working on the same infrastructure, state locking ensures that only one user can modify the state file at a time. This prevents conflicts and ensures that changes are applied in the correct order. This is not supported by version control systems like Git.
When a remote backend is used, Terraform automatically manages state locking, upload and download the state file, and store the state securely.
AWS S3 and DynamoDB as Remote Backend
We can use AWS S3 and DynamoDB as a remote backend to store the state file. We use S3 to store the state file and DynamoDB to manage state locking. We can use the backend
block to configure the remote backend in the configuration file. State locking is optional but it is recommended to use state locking to prevent concurrent modifications to the state file.
# terraform.tf
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "pradumna-terraform-state-bucket"
key = "finance/terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-west-1"
dynamodb_table = "state-locking"
# main.tf
resource "local_file" "pet" {
filename = "./pets.txt"
content = "We love pets!"
Once we initialize and the apply the changes, the state file will be stored in the S3 bucket and the state locking will be managed by DynamoDB table. After this we can delete the local state file. Now every time we run terraform apply
command, Terraform will automatically download the state in memory, lock the state file, apply the changes, and upload the state file back to the S3 bucket.
Terraform state commands
All the commands can be found here.
Terraform Taint
When terraform apply get failed, it marks the resource as tainted. It means that the resource is not in the desired state. We can verify the resources is tainted by running terraform plan
command. We can use terraform taint
command to mark the resource as tainted. So when we mark a resource as tainted, Terraform will destroy the resource and recreate it. We can use terraform untaint
command to undo the tainted mark from the resource.
The benefit of using terraform taint
is that it allows us to configure the behavior of resources when they are not in the desired state. For example we are running an EC2 instance with nginx v1.16 and someone manually updated it to v1.18. We can mark the resource as tainted and Terraform will destroy the instance and recreate it with the desired state.
terraform taint aws_instance.webserver
Terraform Debugging
Terraform already provides a lot of information in the output. But sometimes we need more information to debug the issues.
We can use the TF_LOG
environment variable to set the log level. We can use TRACE
, and PANIC
log levels.
For example, to set the log level to DEBUG
terraform plan
We can also use TF_LOG_PATH
environment variable to specify the log file. We can use TF_LOG_PATH
to specify the log file path. For example, to set the log file path to /tmp/terraform.log
export TF_LOG_PATH=/tmp/terraform.log
terraform plan
we need to also set the TF_LOG
environment variable to a level to enable logging to the file.
To disable logging we can unset the TF_LOG
environment variable:
unset TF_LOG
Terraform Import
So, there will not always be the case that every resource is being created and managed by Terraform. Sometimes we have to import it. Terraform import is used to import existing resources into Terraform state. It is used to import resources that were created outside of Terraform. For example some resources were created manually or using the AWS Management Console or using another Iac tool like Ansible or CloudFormation.
we have used data
block, but that can only be used to fetch information about the resources. We can't manage the resources using the data
block. With terraform import
command to import resources into Terraform state. We can use terraform show
command to get the resource details.
terraform import <resource_type>.<resource_name> <resource_id>
terraform import aws_instance.webserver i-0c1c4b7b3b3e3b3b3
When we run this command, we will see an error. Terraform will not update the resource file.
To fix this, we have to manually add a resource block to the configuration file. We can define an empty resource block like this:
resource "aws_instance" "webserver-2"
# (resource block)
Now we can run the terraform import
command again. This time Terraform will import the resource into the state file. We can now fill in the attributes in the resource block by looking into the terraform show
resource "aws_instance" "webserver-2" {
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
tags = {
Name = "webserver-2"
Now, this resource is managed by Terraform. We can use terraform plan
and terraform apply
commands to manage the resource.
Terraform Modules
Terraform modules are used to organize and reuse Terraform configurations. Modules are used to define reusable components like EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and IAM policies. Modules are used to create reusable components that can be shared across teams and projects.
Creating a Module
To create a module, we create a dir name modules
and inside that dir we create a dir with the name of the module. Inside that dir we create resource files.
Let's take an example to understand this better. We have an payroll app and we want to deploy it across different regions. We can create a module for the payroll app. Our structure will look like this:
├── modules
│ └── payroll-app
│ ├── app_server.tf
│ ├── s3_bucket.tf
│ ├── dynamodb_table.tf
The app.server.tf
file contains the EC2 instance configuration, the s3_bucket.tf
file contains the S3 bucket configuration, and the dynamodb_table.tf
file contains the DynamoDB table configuration.
# app_server.tf
resource "aws_instance" "app-server" {
ami = "var.ami"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
tags = {
Name = "${var.app_region}-app-server"
depends_on = [aws_dynamodb_table.payroll_db,
# s3_bucket.tf
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "payroll_data" {
bucket = "${var.app_region}-${var.bucket}"
# dynamodb_table.tf
resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "payroll_db" {
name = "user_data"
hash_key = "EmployeeID"
billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
attribute {
name = "EmployeeID"
type = "N"
# variables.tf
variable "ami" {
type = string
variable "app_region" {
type = string
variable "bucket" {
type = "flexit-payroll-01-02"
In the app_server.tf
file, we are using the aws_instance
resource to create an EC2 instance. We are using the ami
and instance_type
arguments to specify the AMI and instance type, the tags
argument to add tags to the instance, and the depends_on
argument to specify the dependencies of the instance. We are using the aws_dynamodb_table
and aws_s3_bucket
resources to create the DynamoDB table and S3 bucket.
Also, we have intentionally hard-coded the values of the resources and use variables to pass the values when we use the module.
Now one the module is created, we can use it in the main configuration file. We can use the module
block to use the module.
Using a Module
Now as we have created the module, we can use it in the main configuration file. We can use the module
block to use the module. For example, we want to deploy the payroll app in the us region. We can use the module like this:
First, we will create a dir under the root dir with us-payroll-app
under terraform-project
dir. Inside that dir we will create a main.tf
file. Now the structure will look like this:
├── us-payroll-app
│ └── main.tf
├── modules
│ └── payroll-app
│ ├── app_server.tf
│ ├── s3_bucket.tf
│ ├── dynamodb_table.tf
Our main.tf
content will look like this:
# /us-payroll-app/main.tf
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-1"
module "us_payroll" {
source = "../modules/payroll-app"
app_region = "us-east-1"
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
In the main.tf
file, we are using the provider
block to specify the provider configuration, and the module
block to use the module. We are using the source
argument to specify the path to the module, and the app_region
and ami
arguments to pass the values to the module. The us-payroll-app
directory is the root module and the payroll-app
directory is the child module.
Additionally we can also specify the bucket
variable in the main.tf
as we set it as a variable in the module, otherwise it will use the default value. Now we can use the terraform init
, terraform plan
, and terraform apply
commands to deploy the payroll app in the us region.
Now we want to deploy to UK region as well. We can create a new dir uk-payroll-app
under the root dir and create a main.tf
file. The structure will look like this:
├── uk-payroll-app
│ └── main.tf
├── us-payroll-app
│ └── main.tf
├── modules
│ └── payroll-app
│ ├── app_server.tf
│ ├── s3_bucket.tf
│ ├── dynamodb_table.tf
The main.tf
file will look like this:
# /uk-payroll-app/main.tf
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-west-1"
module "uk_payroll" {
source = "../modules/payroll-app"
app_region = "eu-west-2"
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0avm"
Now we can use the terraform init
, terraform plan
, and terraform apply
commands to deploy the payroll app in the UK region (london).
Since we are using modules the addressing syntax also gets changed. We use module.<module_name>.<resource_type>.<resource_name>
to reference the resources in the module. For example, to reference the EC2 instance in the payroll-app
module, we use module.us_payroll.aws_instance.app-server
or module.uk_payroll.aws_instance.app-server
to reference the EC2 instance in the us-payroll-app
and uk-payroll-app
Using Module from Registry
We can also use modules from the Terraform Registry. We can use the source
argument to specify the path to the module in the Terraform Registry.
There are two types of modules in the Terraform Registry:
- Official modules (verified): These are modules created by HashiCorp and maintained by the Terraform team. They are verified and tested by HashiCorp.
- Community modules: These are modules created by the community and shared on the Terraform Registry. They are not verified by HashiCorp.
A modules can also have submodules. We can use the source
argument to specify the path to the module in the Terraform Registry. For example, aws security group module:
module "security_group_ssh" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws/modules/ssh"
version = "3.16.0"
vpc_id = "vpc-12345678"
ingress_cidr_blocks = [""]
Terraform Functions, Expressions, and Operators
Terraform provides a number of built-in functions that can be used to manipulate strings, numbers, lists, and maps. Functions are used to perform operations like string manipulation, arithmetic operations, and data transformation. Functions are used to generate dynamic values, format strings, and transform data.
We have already seen some of the functions like file()
, length()
, count.index
, var.<variable_name>
, self.<attribute_name>
, etc.
We can use terraform console
to test the functions. Like this:
There are many categories of functions like Number functions, String functions, List functions, Map functions, Filesystem functions, Date and Time functions, and Encoding functions.
Numeric Functions
Numeric functions are used to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, min, max, and rounding.
- `max(1, 2, 3): Returns the maximum value from the list of numbers. In this case, it will return 3.
min(1, 2, 3)
: Returns the minimum value from the list of numbers. In this case, it will return 1.ceil(10.1)
: Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the number. In this case, it will return 11.floor(10.9)
: Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to the number. In this case, it will return 10.
String Functions
String functions are used to perform string manipulation operations like concatenation, substring, and formatting.
split(",", "ami-xyz, AMI-ABC, ami-pqr")
: Splits the string into a list of substrings based on the delimiter. In this case, it will return ["ami-xyz", "AMI-ABC", "ami-pqr"].lower("AMI-XYZ")
: Converts the string to lowercase. In this case, it will return "ami-xyz".upper("ami-xyz")
: Converts the string to uppercase. In this case, it will return "AMI-XYZ".title("ami-xyz")
: Converts the string to title case. In this case, it will return "Ami-Xyz".substr("ami-xyz", 0, 3)
: Returns a substring from the string. In this case, it will return "ami".join(",", ["ami-xyz", "ami-abc", "ami-pqr"])
: Joins the list of strings into a single string. In this case, it will return "ami-xyz,ami-abc,ami-pqr".
Collection Functions
Collection functions are used to perform operations on lists and maps like filtering, sorting, and merging.
length(["ami-xyz", "ami-abc", "ami-pqr"])
: Returns the length of the list. In this case, it will return 3.index(["ami-xyz", "ami-abc", "ami-pqr"], "ami-abc")
: Returns the index of the element in the list. In this case, it will return 1.element(["ami-xyz", "ami-abc", "ami-pqr"], 1)
: Returns the element at the index in the list. In this case, it will return "ami-abc".contains(["ami-xyz", "ami-abc", "ami-pqr"], "ami-abc")
: Returns true if the element is present in the list. In this case, it will return true.
Map Functions
Map functions are used to perform operations on maps like merging, filtering, and transforming.
keys({"ami-xyz": "ami-abc", "ami-abc": "ami-pqr"})
: Returns the keys of the map. In this case, it will return ["ami-xyz", "ami-abc"].values({"ami-xyz": "ami-abc", "ami-abc": "ami-pqr"})
: Returns the values of the map. In this case, it will return ["ami-abc", "ami-pqr"].lookup({"ami-xyz": "ami-abc", "ami-abc": "ami-pqr"}, "ami-abc")
: Returns the value of the key in the map. In this case, it will return "ami-pqr".lookup({"ami-xyz": "ami-abc", "ami-abc": "ami-pqr"}, "ami-xyz", "default")
: Returns the value of the key in the map or the default value. In this case, it will return "ami-abc".
Numeric Operators
Numeric operators are used to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
1 + 2
: Addition5 - 3
: Subtraction2 * 3
: Multiplication6 / 2
: Division
Equality Operators
Equality operators are used to compare values like equal, not equal, greater than, and less than.
1 == 2
: Equal1 != 2
: Not equal1 > 2
: Greater than1 < 2
: Less than1 >= 2
: Greater than or equal1 <= 2
: Less than or equal
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to perform logical operations like and, or, and not.
- 8 > 5 && 5 < 3: And (both conditions must be true)
- 8 > 5 || 5 < 3: Or (at least one condition must be true)
- !true: Not (negates the value)
Conditional Operator
- condition ? true_value : false_value: Ternary operator (if the condition is true, return the true value, otherwise return the false value)
10 > 5 ? "true" : "false"
# main.tf
resource "random_password" "password" {
length = var.length < 8 ? 8 : var.length
output "password" {
value = random_password.password.result
# variables.tf
variable "length" {
type = number
So, here if the var.length
is less than 8, the password length will be 8, otherwise it will be the value of var.length
Terraform Workspaces
Terraform workspaces are used to manage multiple environments like development, staging, and production. Workspaces are used to create separate environments for different teams, projects, and regions. Workspaces are used to manage state files for different environments. Workspaces are used to create separate state files for different environments.
We can use the terraform workspace
command to manage workspaces. We can use the terraform workspace new
command to create a new workspace, the terraform workspace list
command to list the workspaces, the terraform workspace select
command to select a workspace, and the terraform workspace delete
command to delete a workspace.
We have modify our configuration is a way that it can be used for multiple environments.
# main.tf
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = lookup(var.ami, terraform.workspace)
instance_type = var.instance_type
tags = {
Name = terraform.workspace
# variables.tf
variable "region" {
default = "ca-central-1"
variable "instance_type" {
default = "t2.micro"
variable "ami" {
type = map
default = {
"ProjectA" = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
"ProjectB" = "ami-oe4b3bfb4c0e9b2"
Now if we create a new workspace like ProjectA
and run the terraform apply
command, it will use the ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0
AMI. If we create a new workspace like ProjectB
and run the terraform apply
command, it will use the ami-oe4b3bfb4c0e9b2
AMI. We can use the terraform workspace list
command to list the workspaces and the terraform workspace select
command to select a workspace.
The way terraform manages the the state files for different workspaces is that it creates a separate directory for each workspace and stores the state file in that directory. And all the directories are named as terraform.tfstate.d/<workspace_name>