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Multi Service App

This is a simple multi-service app that consists of a React Client, a Node API, and a Golang API. The app uses a Postgresql database for data storage.


  • Kubernetes Cluster
  • Helm v3
  • kubectl


The following shows the layout of this directory:

├── api-golang
│ ├── Deployment.yaml
│ ├── IngressRoute.yaml
│ ├── Secret.yml
│ └── Service.yaml
├── api-node
│ ├── Deployment.yaml
│ ├── IngressRoute.yaml
│ ├── Secret.yaml
│ └── Service.yaml
├── client-react
│ ├── ConfigMap.yaml
│ ├── Deployment.yaml
│ ├── IngressRoute.yaml
│ └── Service.yaml
├── common
│ ├── Middleware.yaml
│ ├── Namespace.yaml
└── postgresql
├── Job.db-migrator.yaml
└── Secret.db-password.yaml

Setting up the APP

Make sure you are in go-node-react-postgres directory.

  1. Create a Namespace
kubectl apply -f Namespace.yaml

switch to the namespace:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=demo-app
  1. Install Postgresql Database using Helm

Add the bitnami repo:

helm repo add bitnami

Install the chart:

helm upgrade --install \
-n postgres \
postgres bitnami/postgresql \
--set auth.postgresPassword=foobarbaz \
--version 15.3.2 \
--values ./postgresql/values.yaml \
  1. Database Migration

First we need to create a secret for the database password:

kubectl apply -f postgresql/Secret.db-password.yaml

Then we can run the migration job:

kubectl apply -f postgresql/Job.db-migrator.yaml
  1. Install traffic Ingress Controller

Add the traefik repo:

helm repo add traefik

Install the chart:

helm upgrade --install \
-n traefik \
traefik traefik/traefik \
--version 20.8.0 \
  1. Deploy a Middleware to Strop of the prefix from incoming requests
kubectl apply -f common/Middleware.yaml
  1. Deploy the Golang API.

Before deploying, update the IngressRoute.yaml file to match the correct host.

- kind: Rule
match: Host(`host/domain`) && PathPrefix(`/api/golang`)

Then deploy the API:

kubectl apply -f api-golang
  1. Deploy the Node API.

Before deploying, update the IngressRoute.yaml file to match the correct host.

- kind: Rule
match: Host(`host/domain`) && PathPrefix(`/api/node`)

Then deploy the API:

kubectl apply -f api-node
  1. Deploy the React Client.

Before deploying, update the IngressRoute.yaml file to match the correct host.

- kind: Rule
match: Host(`host/domain`) # This will root with no prefix

Then deploy the client:

kubectl apply -f client-react

Now you should be able to access the app using the host/domain you have set in the IngressRoute files.

  • For Node API, you can access it using <host>/api/node.
  • For Golang API, you can access it using <host>/api/golang.
  • For React Client, you can access it using <host>.